Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Day 111 Wednesday 3rd August

We left Ceduna at 8.30 and drove the 111 kms to Streaky Bay. It was cooler today as there was a strong wind blowing. We set up camp in the caravan park and then went to Pt Labatt where we saw the seals. Standing next to the seals was a flock of cormorants. This is the only colony of Australian fur seals on mainland Australia. They have built a board walk so you can view the seals without going down the cliffs and getting too close to them. When we saw them most of them were sleeping in the sun but a few were fighting and some were riding the waves. 

We then continued on the scenic drive to Sceale Bay where we had lunch. After going to a couple of lookouts we went to Yenerbie sand hills which were quite vast hills of sand which are progressing further and further inland.  After that we went on the Westall Way Loop Drive and saw a number of fishing huts, great surf beaches, an area called Smooth Pool where there was surf and then some smooth, calm rock areas and some high cliff areas. After that we went on the Cape Bauer Loop Drive and saw the Whistling Rocks and Blowholes.

Distance driven today  290 kms
Total distance driven 17675 km