Thursday, 28 July 2011

Day 104 Wednesday 27th July

We left at 8.30 this morning and travelled through Norseman to Kalgoorlie. The countryside soon turned to scrub land although there were lots of trees. There were also some really large lakes with very little water in them.
Apparently in Norseman a horse with the same name, pawed at the ground and kicked up a nugget of gold and thus began the gold rushes in the area.
Gold was discovered in Kalgoorlie in 1893. The mine is now called a Super Pit and is 3.5 km long. We tried to see it this afternoon but the lookout was closed. We then went to the Mt Charlotte Lookout. This lookout is where the pipeline begins. The pipeline brings water 690km from Perth and was opened in 1903. The original pipes are still in use.
We then drove down the main street of Kalgoorlie, Hannan St and the Hay St where the brothel is situated. We also drove down the main street of Boulder, which is Burt St. There are some beautiful, old buildings all around town.
Distance travelled today  402 km
Distance travelled altogether  15840 km